Bridging the gap between EO and AI Communities. Towards a European AI for Earth Observation Research & Innovation Agenda.
Copernicus Land Monitoring Services: European Coastal Zone hotspot thematic mapping.
AIX is a satellite as-a-service platform providing on-demand, in-orbit data processing resources to turn raw data into actionable knowledge.
The ESA-SAPS publications system
MARINE–EO: demand-driven EO-based services in the field of maritime awareness.
Provision of Earth Observation based Very High Resolution Reference Mapping products in support to FRONTEX.
Beyond Planck: delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade.
Implementation of services in a virtual platform in the Law Enforcement domain based on the integration of EO information, ICT data analytics , and non-EO data fusion.
When Technology meets Science: Understanding our Universe
PRISMA satellite mission - Earth Observation Hyperspectral Precursor System
SEAiGRASS platform is a unique solution for Maritime Spatial Planning, mainly targeting the conservation of Posidonia Oceanica meadows.
European Coastal Flood Awareness System
Design and implementation of processing facilities for Italy's second generation COSMO-SkyMed constellation of two satellites.
Red Tide detection and water quality monitoring in the United Arab Emirates (Arabian Gulf) in support of human health and desalination plants operation against harmful algal blooms.
Monitoring Posidonia on Arki island. A 3D WebGIS application for ecotourism in Greece.
Providing Earth Observation and webGIS tools to locate and monitor underwater archaeological sites in coastal zone
GIS-based Infrastructure Management System for Optimized Response to Extreme Events on Terrestrial Transport Networks
Expanding the EO services dedicated to aquaculture sector to a new level.
The ESA EO4SD Disaster Risk Reduction project aims to promote the adoption of Earth Observation-based products and services to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts of natural disasters in developing countries.
Design and development of a prototype information system capable of analysing big data to provide analytical and forecasting information, which will help decision making in various application and industrial fields.
Fostering the implementation of INSPIRE and SEIS through deployment and integration of value-added eEnvironment services and applications.
The AquaMar project developed Water Quality downstream services to support to EU Water Framework Directive and European Marine Strategy, Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) detection, marine coastal infrastructure projects, aquaculture precision farming and bathing waters quality monitoring.
The ESA Coastal TEP online service provides access to an extensive archive of coastal information, from over 20 yrs of Satellite & other data archives, for a wide range of uses: environmental monitoring, site assessment, maritime security & safety, coastal awareness, coastal planning & blue growth.
Near Real Time and continuous satellite monitoring of costal waters
Reducing the number and the impact of forest fires, protecting people, natural environment and properties, and promoting fire prevention among rural communities in Adriatic region.
Providing Earth Observation and webGIS tools to locate and monitor underwater archaeological sites in coastal zone
SAFER aims at implementing pre-operational versions of the Emergency Response Core Service, for the European program Copernicus-GMES Fast-Track Services.
EO4GEO developing space geo information sector skills and competences to support Copernicus User Uptake
Development of the Data Processing Unit for the Solar Wind Analyser instrument, part of the Solar Orbiter mission.
To exploit and improve advanced EO techniques to derive information products/services supporting the UN Department involved in peacekeeping mission.
Creating an intelligent framework for Earth Observation image retrieval.
Landslide and Natural Risks Monitoring through Earth Observation data
Submerged vegetation mapping from VHR satellite data. Case Studies in Montenegro and Apulia (Italy).
Integration of satellite remote sensing observations with urban ground stations into urban meteorological and climate modelling to help decision and policy makers in better preventing the impact of Urban Heat Island (UHI) through appropriate alert systems and in reducing the risk, with dedicated urban land planning.
Earth Observation based geo-information services for Rapid response mapping and long term monitoring of illegal waste treatment sites
Development of the Geoportal, open to internal and external users, to easily access to the wide collection of datasets owned by the Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime (MAPM).
The GeoPortal of Emilia-Romagna Region is the reference access point for the regional territorial information and geolocalized knowledge, compliant to current interoperability directives: national (CNIPA, Intesa GIS) and international (INSPIRE, OGC).
The Planetary Radar Operation Center (PROC) system is a Spatial Data Infrastructure with automatic catalogue and archive features for standard scientific products. PROC is an Italian Space Agency program unifying the Operative Centers of ASI, ESA and NASA joint planetary missions, in order to set up a unique point of access to the data produced.
The INSPIRE Geoportal is the unique access point to global European Environment Geoinformation resources shared and made available by all member states within the framework of the "Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community" (INSPIRE) Directive.
eEnviper is an EU-funded project to implement an e-government platform to manage environmental permits.
Soil monitoring in the built environment
GMES Services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises
Costal area monitoring and management service. System design and development. Periodical thematic information through the integration of satellite and in situ data with numerical modelling.
Earth Observation for Waste Management Services
BIO_SOS (Biodiversity Multi-SOUrce Monitoring System: From Space To Species) is a project that aims to develop tools and models for consistent multi-annual monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and their surroundings.
Massive - Mapping Seismic Vulnerability and Risk of Cities - Civil Protection assessments of seismic hazard, seismic vulnerability and risk for buildings at local scale, as well as to estimate the traffic load due to uncontrolled city evacuation.
Marine and Coastal Environment Information Services
The ASI Multi-Mission National Centre. The information (data, products and services) collected and produced through the different Earth Observation missions, made available and shared throughout the scientific community.
Design and development of On-board Paylod Data Processing (OPDP) system for on-board data processing and acquisition planning.
(Park Advanced Remote Cognition)
Integrated Monitoring of Coastal Areas. Coastal areas monitoring service based on the integration of satellite data, in situ data and numeric models.
Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for European Security (Integrated Project within the 6th FP – Aeronautics & Space/GMES Security).
Increasing awareness amongst Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) of the potential benefits of GMES Copernicus downstream services, through the production and development of specific communication tools and web services.
Services for Coastal and Sea Monitoring
COSMO–SkyMed Mosaicking Processor
Decision Support for emergency management: the Civil Protection SDI of Regione Calabria
Geodata and Crisis Early Warning Situation Awareness.
Planetary Geoscience Information System
WebGIS Systems for Planetary Data
Cosmo SkyMED Performance Estimator
Thematic maps of the Ozone distribution
IP4PDGS - Innovative Platform for Payload Data Ground Segment focuses on the study and design of an innovative cloud computing infrastructure for processing satellite payload data.
FPGA or SW solution for on-board hi-performance hyperspectral data compression and cloud classification
Integrated system in support of Parks services implementation: Park management and monitoring, and tourists safety and tours services.
Forest Fire Risk management
Humid areas Management
hydrogeological and landslides risk monitoring through satellite interferometric techniques
Prevention, Information and Early Warning pre-operational services to support the risks management
Integrated Multimodal Platform for Urban and Extra Urban Logistic System Optimisation
Decision Support System for forest fires