SAIMON: Satellite Near Real Time Monitoring Network of the Eutrophication Risk

SAIMON: Satellite Near Real Time Monitoring Network of the Eutrophication Risk

Near Real Time and continuous satellite monitoring of costal waters

SAIMON (SAtellIte Near Real Time MOnitoring Network of the Eutrophication Risk) is a Near Real Time and continuous satellite monitoring network for costal waters of the province Thesprotia (Region of Epirus, Greece).

It established a service for monitoring the eutrophication risk over the total eligible marine area of province of Thesprotia, which is available via the internet to the citizens, the scientific community and the responsible authorities. For the needs of the project, on site data collection is planned, so as to come up with clear proposed indications for actions, towards the responsible authorities, in a way that will permit to better address the common problem of the eutrophication risk in the marine areas.

The customer of Planetek Hellas was the Water Directorate Epirus of the Decentralized Administration of Epirus & Western Macedonia. The Water Directorate implemented the service in the framework of an collaboration project funded by the INTERREG Greece-Albania Cooperation Program.

SAIMON aims to establish collaboration at a high level between the two countries and lead the bilateral relations towards finding solutions for common problems, by implementing a coordinated environmental protection action targeted to the eutrophication risk. On the same hand, the outputs of the project will help the partners from the Greek side to comply better with the EC relevant directives on Waters and Marine Strategy.


project information

Decentralized Administration of Epirus & Western Macedonia
Application fields: