All events and news in the field of Land management, GIS and Remote Sensing. A contribution to sharing additional knowledge in this area with people working in private and public organizations.

First images from COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation mission
Hofsjokull glacier in Iceland, nord-east suburbs of Milan, Italy, and the city of Wesenberg in Germany are the very...
Hofsjokull glacier in Iceland, nord-east suburbs of Milan, Italy, and the city of Wesenberg in Germany are the very...

Solar Orbiter's journey to reveal new secrets of the Sun
Planetek collaborated at the development of the Data Processing Unit of the Solar Wind Plasma Analyser (SWA) on board...
Planetek collaborated at the development of the Data Processing Unit of the Solar Wind Plasma Analyser (SWA) on board...

Smart City Awards 2019 Barcelona: Rheticus awarded with Hera Group use case
A new reward for Rheticus®, the satellite based monitoring service developed by Planetek, which was awarded the Urban...
A new reward for Rheticus®, the satellite based monitoring service developed by Planetek, which was awarded the Urban...

PRISMA satellite successfully launched
The PRISMA Earth observation satellite will provide hyperspectral images of Earth. Planetek also contributed to the...
The PRISMA Earth observation satellite will provide hyperspectral images of Earth. Planetek also contributed to the...

Planetek Italia: 25 years devoted to simplifying the complexity of Space
In 1994, four young professionals believed in the potential of Earth Observation and geospatial information to do...
In 1994, four young professionals believed in the potential of Earth Observation and geospatial information to do...

Rheticus wins the Wichmann Innovations Award 2018
Rheticus®, Planetek Italia's cloud-based satellite monitoring platform, was awarded as the best software at the...
Rheticus®, Planetek Italia's cloud-based satellite monitoring platform, was awarded as the best software at the...

Planetek Hellas delivers to ESA new web tools to exploit the Planck satellite’s Legacy Archive
Planetek Hellas has successfully delivered to the European Space Agency (ESA) the Planck Legacy Archive Added-Value...
Planetek Hellas has successfully delivered to the European Space Agency (ESA) the Planck Legacy Archive Added-Value...
Building a Simple Answer to a Complicated Subsidence Problem
Identifying where leaks in underground pipelines occur is a vital and expensive task. Satellite radar technology can...
Identifying where leaks in underground pipelines occur is a vital and expensive task. Satellite radar technology can...

EO4GEO space/geospatial sector skills alliance supporting Copernicus user uptake
Recently approved by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), EO4GEO is a new project fund...
Recently approved by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), EO4GEO is a new project fund...

Alta Murgia National Park reporting on burnt areas during summer 2017
Satellite, sighting towers and community collaboration. Inside the Alta Murgia National Park, the fight against fires...
Satellite, sighting towers and community collaboration. Inside the Alta Murgia National Park, the fight against fires...