On October 6th, 2020 it will be held the 1st SAFEWAY Open Workshop.
SAFEWAY is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project wich aims to significantly improve resilience of transport infrastructures, by developing a holistic toolset with transversal application to anticipate and mitigate the effects extreme events at all modes of disaster cycle. Read more about SAFEWAY project
Participation is free and open to all organizations and stakeholders interested in mitigate the negative impacts on road and railway infrastructures.
In this context Planetek Italia will present Rheticus® Safeway its satellite-based business intellingence tool designed for the detection and monitoring of risks over roads and railways, enabling and supporting preventive maintenance activities. Read more about the Rheticus® Safeway service.
14:00 Welcome and Introduction – by Belén Riveiro, Project Coordinator at University of Vigo
- Assessment of direct losses of terrestrial transportation lines due to floods - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
- Point cloud to IFC: generation of IFC Alignment entities for road and railway infrastructures using 3D point cloud data - University of Vigo
- Stochastic deterioration prediction and maintenance prioritization for networks of bridges - University of Cambridge
- Reliability-based Bayesian updating methodology for transport infrastructures - University of Minho
- Characterization of iron-based shape memory alloys (SAMs) for resilience structures - University of Vigo
Questions and answers: 15:30 – 15:45
15:45 – 16:00 BREAK
- Integration of an interoperational data model for critical infrastructures in the management application MSManager - Insitu Engineering
- Crowd sourced data and evacuation service - Ben Rutten and Innovactory
- Decision Support tool for planning optimal maintenance of infrastructure in multi/modal transportation networks exposed to extreme events - Infrastructure Management Consultants
- RE on-site, a GIS based toolkit for efficient asset management - DEMO consultants
- Rheticus® Safeway -Inspection priority insights for roads and railways operator - Planetek Italia
“Envisioned direct impacts of SAFEWAY IT developments towards more resilient infrastructure networks”.
Moderator Pedro Arias Panel lists: Infraestructuras de Portugal, Ferrovial, Network Rail