The New Space Economy European Expoforum will be held next 10-12 December 2019 in Rome, Italy.
Planetek will be present at the event with a booth and will join the discussion panels on data analytics, cybersecurity, urban environment and new space economy during the ESA’s second Global Space Economic Forum (GSEF).
The NSE ExpoForum is an international event focused on the New Space Economy and its capability to promote and create new market opportunities in Europe.
The NSE Expo Forum aims to create an opportunity to meet and exchange views among existing and new industrial players, small and medium innovative companies, investors, venturers, startups, research centers, space agencies and institutions with interests in space.
Sectors covered will include all fields with potential attraction towards Space Economy as: bio-sciences, TLC, logistics, transportation, environmental sustainability, design&creativity, tourism, exploration, planetary resources exploitation.
NSE ExpoForum will be composed by an exhibition area, a meeting area, conferences and side events focused on B2B, B2G as well as B2C (education and research) relations.
More information and registrations
Visitors registration is free.