From 28 - 30 November 2017 in Toulouse, France, it will be held the conference on the Big Data from Space 2017 - BiDS'17.
The event is organized by by ESA, SatCen, JRC and hosted by CNES to bring together researchers, engineers and users who work in the field of big data from space.
Big Data from Space refers to the massive spatio-temporal Earth and Space observation data collected by a variety of sensors ranging from ground based to space-borne and the synergetic use of data coming from other sources and communities. This domain is currently facing sharp development with numerous new initiatives and breakthroughs from intelligent sensors to data science. These developments are empowering new approaches and applications in various and diverse domains influencing life on earth, from sensing cities, monitoring human settlements and urban areas to climate change and security.
Information based developments such as spatio-temporal and long time-series data analytics, data cubes, smart data management, information extraction technologies, computational intelligence, platforms and services are undergoing a fast evolution.
The objective of this conference is to stimulate interactions and bring together researchers, engineers, users, infrastructure and service providers, interested in exploiting Big Data from Space.
The Planetek group participates with presentations and posters about its latest developments:
- Automatic debris detection for Space situational awareness based on GPU technology (28 November h 11,50)
- How to approach to earthquake study by an integrated satellite and ground data analysis system: the SAFE ESA-funded project. (Poster session)
- RheticusĀ®: a cloud-based geoinformation service for ground instabilities detection and monitoring based on fusion of Earth Observation and INSPIRE data. (Poster session)
- Socioecological carbon production in managed agricultural-forest landscape. (Poster session)