It will be held next 25-28 September 2017, at ESA ESRIN premises (Frascati, Italy), the EO Open Science 2017 Conference, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA).
The event aims at exploring new challenges and opportunities for EO research created by the rapid advances in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This includes open tools and software, data-intensive science, virtual research environment, citizen science and crowdsourcing, advanced visualization, e-learning and education of the new generation of EO and Data scientists.
The conference will present precursor activities in EO Open Science and Innovation and develop a Roadmap preparing for future ESA scientific exploitation activities.
Planetek Italia partecipates with a presentation titled "From EO science to service delivery: support for EU and local directives in coastal areas" during the session "Open and Innovation tools" the 12nd September at 16,45.
Planetek Italia participates showcasing the outcomes of its most recent developments and projects:
- Session "TEP - Exploitation Platforms", 26/9/2017 h 11,15 - "The SAFE Scientific Exploitation Platform" (info)
- Session "Citizen Science", 26/9/2017 h 11,15 - "Flowered-Geodbapp: An Application Based On Crowd-Generating Data Using Sentinel-2 Imagery" (info)
- Session "Lightning Talks", 26/9/2017 h 17,10 - "A Cloud Platform For Geoanalytics From Massive Satellite Data Processing" (info)
- Session "Visualisation and Virtual labs", 28/9/2017 h 11,00 - "Space Big Image Tool" (info)
Participation to the conference is free.
More information and participation details on