Presentazione_infoPresentationHas been held in Florence, Italy the 23-27 June 2013 the INSPIRE Conference 2013: The green renaissance. Organized by the Joint Research Centre and European Commission, the event aimed at focusing on those relevant issues that can push all over Europe the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, making INSPIRE a driver for a new economical and social growth in Europe, like the Renaissance period was. The event agenda includeed workshops, oral and posters presentations and exhibition areas. Planetek Italia participated with a booth and 2 presentations: Wednesday, 26 June "Linked Open Data from OGC® compliant web services: the case of Regione Emilia-Romagna Geoportal" (project description) Thursday 27 June "The new European INSPIRE Geoportal " (project description) During the event Planetek has been awarded the prize as the European most innovative SME: Download here the Paper presented Watch here the video Watch here the presentation of the new INSPIRE Geoportal developed by Planetek for the JRC